Introduction to a Future Chemical Engineer

Typical industrial fractionating columns, Wiki-commons
     Hi, I'm Brad Schoen and I am a chemical engineering major. The coolest thing about chemical engineering is the how connected it is to everyday life. Many of the things I have learned in class can be applied to explain the world around us and why things interact in a certain ways. The best class I took last year was momentum, heat, and mass transfer. The professor was great and the material was very pertinent to the world around us. It was also a very satisfying class to take because it wrapped up all the things I had previously learned: chemistry, physics, and math into one interconnected topic. It was eye opening to see all the blocks fit into place and see how important math really is for modeling systems. 
     I am currently in the process of reading Dune, by Frank Herbert, but my favorite book/series to date is Dan Brown's Angel's and Demons. I plan to read the next installment of that series, Inferno, after I finish Dune.  I am currently watching Game of Thrones, but would say that Top Gear takes the spot of favorite for the moment. In the future I am not sure where I want to end up with my career, but at the moment I am exploring possibilities with research for professors on campus to potentially find something that clicks for me. I have two pets; a cat and a fish, but the cat lives with my family. My fish's name is Kraken and aptly lives in a Kraken rum bottle. 
     One of hobbies is cooking and my favorite thing to make is pizza for multiple reasons. The recipe is very simple and quick to make but also very tasty. Another one of my hobbies is electronics with regards to hardware and software. I recently finished a small project where I had to end up teaching myself how to solder and use new software. I also enjoy fishing and various sports like knee boarding, skiing (water and snow), and bike riding. I try to try all things and make most of the day doing things that I enjoy.


  1. Ha ha, Brad, I really like the idea of a fish named Kraken who lives in a Kraken rum bottle: brilliant! The first avatar of the god Vishnu was as a fish, Matsya (that's the word for "fish" in Sanskrit), and he started out in a small pot... but he quickly outgrew it! It ends up being a kind of Noah-and-the-Ark story if you are curious: Matsya. And books like Angels and Demons, Game of Thrones, etc. are great for getting into the spirit of this class! Later on at the end of the semester when there is free reading, you might want to read a book by a man who is the "Dan Brown" of India, a writer named Ashwin Sanghi - here's the book: The Krishna Key.

  2. Hi Brad! I now wish that I had thought of getting a fish to name Kraken. That's awesome! Chemical engineering sounds so incredibly interesting. I love science and math, and was considering something in that area when I decided to come back to school. However, I hadn't taken a math class in over a decade, and I decided that it would take way too much review to get to the level I needed to be. I'm interested to see what kind of stories you will have to tell!

  3. Hi Brad!

    Chemical engineering major sounds a little challenging, It's interesting that it connect all the major science classes together. I would love to get basic knowledge over it some day. I think you can defiantly do a lot with chemical engineering major. I hear the job market is really good for that major too. I wish you good luck in all your classes and excited to see what you have to say about this class.

  4. Hi Brad,
    That's awesome you're majoring in chemical engineering. I have a lot of friends who are in this major, so I know it is very challenging. It sounds like you're doing well and love it so that's great. I also wrote about cooking in my introduction post. I focused more on steaks and chickens, but I love pizza as well. I've never made it from scratch but DiGiorno works great for me. It was nice meeting you and I hope you have a great semester!


  5. Hi brad,
    I think its' amazing how your fish is a living pun, I can respect that. I have heard the Chemical Engineering field is difficult as all hell, so good luck. i think it's really cool that you cook, I am generally the one who cooks fro my apartment and it's nice to know I'm not the only guy who does. I've heard good things abut the book Dune, the story behind it's movie adaptations has always interested me. Hopefully you're enjoying it and not drowning in engineering homework.

  6. Hi Brad!

    I always really admire people who have majors in a STEM field because, as a Letters/Con Studies Major, I cannot imagine anything worse. I think it so cool how evident your passion for engineering is and I am sure it will take you into whatever job you want. Also your fish's name is really cool and its pretty hilarious that he lives in a rum bottle! I enjoyed reading a little bit about you!


  7. Hey Brad, hope your semester is going well. I think that is really cool that you're an engineering major. And to your point, its always fun when you can be practical an apply your studies to everyday life. I'm a biochemistry major so I know we learn many of the same things with respect to chemistry and some physics. But I am sure that you've surpassed me with the physics at this point! I think its awesome that you're giving yourself some time to think about where you want to career to lead. Also, if you're really considering doing research, I think that shows how much genuine appreciation you have for your field. Lastly, shoutout to your cooking style! College cooking 101= simple to make, but tasty!

  8. Brad, I like that you talked a lot about the materials that you like to read! I also love to read, and I get sad when I hear people say things like, "I don't read". I'm sure your love of reading will help you in this course! Your fish sounds cool. Who wouldn't want to live inside a Kraken rum bottle? It's also cool that you're an active person and that you know what you are passionate about what you are studying here at OU! I'm looking forward to reading your material this semester.

  9. Hi Brad!
    It's so cool to meet an engineer that likes to read! I went to Italy with a pretty large group of engineers last fall, and most of my fine engineer friends did not share my love of books. Dune is definitely on my to be read list. I also want to teach myself to solder, but not for electronics, for jewelry making. Either soldering or electroforming. Both are kind of expensive to get stared, though, so I'm trying to do more research before I buy anything.
    Nice to meet you!

  10. Hey Brad! First off, I commend you for being an engineer. I'm not very hard-science minded (I'm a criminology major, so I much prefer social sciences), so that's really impressive to me! However, I can relate with you on loving to read! I've always been an avid reader myself, so I think it would be fun to see how you approach your stories creatively:)

  11. Hey, Brad! I think your major and love is science is super cool - I, myself, am a Religious Studies major, but I'm pre-med on top of that, so I also really enjoy science. I think classes like Momentum and Heat Transfer are super cool, too, because they really allow us to apply knowledge from several different classes at once. I also find it really funny that your fish is named Kraken and lives in a Kraken rum bottle! Very creative!

  12. Brad,

    I am very impressed with your major and know you have to work really hard to excel in that field. I love to hear that you like to cook and also that pizza is your favorite because I would have to agree with you on that. I haven't started Game of thrones but I feel like I need to start it because everyone else loves it. Hope to read some of your stories and hope you enjoy this class.

  13. Hey Brad! I am so jealous of engineering majors because they all get math super easily. My cousin is a civil engineer and seeing all her course load is overwhelming. So I admire you for being passionate about your major. I am so glad to finally see another person is a fan of Game of Thrones! I love that show so much and as popular as it is, there are not many people in this class who have seen it. It was nice to meet you!

  14. Brad,

    It is so neat that you are a chemical engineering major; I am a tour guide of OU and so many students come through our office inquiring about engineering. I can't imagine how difficult your classes will be, so I wish you the very best! I really need to jump on the Game of Thrones bandwagon... I've heard time and time again that it is so good! I can't wait to see what kinds of stories you create!

  15. What’s up Brad!

    Being a chemical engineering major sounds so cool, but also very difficult! I am glad you enjoy it because I think it would be hard to study something so difficult if you did not like it at all. Also, pizza is definitely one of my favorite things. I make or buy it like once a week. You really can’t go wrong with pizza. It just makes me happy. But, I enjoyed reading your introduction and I look forward to reading your stories!

  16. Hi Brad!

    Your major seems so interesting! I am glad that you are having classes within it that you enjoy. I know so many people can get bogged down by the difficulty in their major, so it is great that you have found the joy in it! I am also big into cooking, but I actually do no think I have ever made pizza before. I will have to try it!

  17. Hey Brad. Your major sounds very interesting. I am a business major but I remember taking physics in high school and being amazed by how much physics is involved in everyday things in the real world. Your cat and your fish sound cool, love the fish name. I also really enjoy cooking and fishing. I like to grill when I cook, I have even made a pizza on the grill which was interesting. I am a big fly fisherman also. I hope you figure out what you want out of your career and make it happen! Good luck and thanks for sharing!

  18. Hi Brad,

    I think it is awesome that you have a fish names Kraken, and even more so that he lives in a rum bottle. I have little to no knowledge about engineering, but I can definitely see the appeal of learning about it and the effect is has on us throughout each day. There really aren't many better classes than those that connect many large themes that you have learned about for years already.

    Good luck with the rest of the semester.

  19. Hi Brad! It's nice to meet another chemical engineer. My fiancé majored and finished in engineering, but would like to go back and completely specify in chemical engineering as he loves the field so much. I, truthfully, don't understand it, but that's why I'm not an engineer and a psych major instead. I learn little by little with what he knows and does at work, so it is still super interesting to learn. He reads so much just like you and it's awesome that you guys can keep up with it. I don't read as much, but I would love to get back into it once I'm done with school. I'm sure I could now, but I think I'd like to free my mind of other things and really focus on what I'm reading when I can. I hope to pick up on some cooking as well. It's about that time where we should learn how to fend for ourselves and it's a fun hobby to pick up! Your fish sounds cute and your other athletic hobbies make me want to try something new in the future as well! Great meeting you, good luck the rest of the future and so forth!

  20. Hello Brad,

    Power to you for majoring in chemical engineering! I would not be able to keep up with the math part of the major. I also think it is important to major in subjects that you can apply to everyday life. That is why I chose to major in Chemical-Biosciences and Pre-Pharmacy. What is your favorite pizza to cook? I like to cook as well but I have not tried making a pizza from scratch yet!

  21. Brad,
    You remind me of my brother. He is also an engineer- and his name is Brad too. I read Dan Brown's books too. The Da Vinci Code was good, but Angels and Demons was better. Inferno was okay, but I actually didn't finish the book. Game of Thrones is one of the best shows of all time in my opinion. And also, I read Brian Greene's book "An Elegant Universe" and I loved it. It's a great intro to theoretical physics.


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