Growth Mindset and Me

Growth mindset: Make glorious amazing mistakes.

The Growth Mindset is new to me. As far as my studies go I am fairly confined to math, physics, and chemistry. The reason I took this class was because it was very different from my day to day studies. I always try to go out of my comfort zone and try new things and meet new people, but sometimes I am apprehensive at times and hesitate or back out. I need to work on just taking a leap of faith within reason. Since I have been at OU I have figured out how to work efficiently and what works best for me. The biggest challenge for me in the beginning was studying. Up till college I did not study and was still able to get good grades. This was still the case for a few classes that I would just need to refresh but it wasn't until this past year that studying was essential for success. It was hard at first but I challenged myself because it is important to me. I feel I have almost reached the point where my limiting factor is caffeine. I think the growth mindset is interesting and I will follow it throughout the year. I hope to learn a lot this year in all my classes because I have been told the junior year is particularly hard for chemical engineering from seniors or past seniors.


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