Reading Notes: Buddhist Jataka

Turtle falling to his death from The Turtle and the Geese, Story Source

The Foolish, Timid Rabbit:
I really liked this story and the moral. I think the intended message was that everything should be investigated and not be taken at face value without evidence. I think this story directly relates to the current state of the world where there seems to be a constant of he said she said fear-mongering that ultimately causes more grief than the base problem itself would.

Two Turtle Jatakas:
The two turtle Jatakas read very differently. The first one has a good sense of a message in that things aren't as always as you perceive them, but then shifts to how the turtle's wit and deception is a tool in saving his life. The second story has a stronger message that I believe reads as: Don't concern yourself too greatly with other's opinions of yourself or it might be at your own expense.

This story is more detailed then the previous ones. The message is also clear cut, no pun intended. The end is satisfying to the reader as justice is served to the wicked crane.

The ending of the story is happy and there is no death; but a lesson is still learned. It can't really pick out a real moral to this story but it does show that wit is a powerful weapon.

This story is an iteration of the story prior, but this time the monkey king is an embodiment of Brahmadatta. The story tells much the same way, but in this version the crocodile is seeking the monkey's heart for his own enjoyment and not his lovers.

My first thought was this was an interesting story. I did not expect the ending where the father's heart would explode. It was also a continuation of the monkey king in this story. The past two stories also included a similar stanza that was chanted by the opposition, but each iteration of the story the three qualities change a bit to better suite the story told.

These stories served both as examples to be disciplined and show a certain amount of restrain. In both stories the animals that were being unruly ultimately were killed, and there was no remorse for their death as they brought it on to themselves.

This story may have been my favorite story for the different elements it contained. I enjoyed the mythological creatures and the magic. It also gave a mixed message that almost seems to contradict the message told in the first story that things should be investigated and not blindly trusted. If I were to revise this story I would have some sailors that did want to go home would investigate the situation and find the cell of locked men and promptly escape. The remaining men would meet the same fate.


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