Reading Notes Part B: Mahabarata

Mahabharata, Wikicommons


  • The infighting creates a lot of tension
  • The exile was the result of a technicality, but he does end up marrying a naga princess and he also marries the sister of Kirshna Subhadra. This is interesting because he was exiled for criticizing Draupadi for marrying multiple men and then he goes and marries multiple women which is a bit hypocritical
  • A new king is crowned and Krishna joins as a guest
  • Krishna being a guest is strange but it eventually makes sense
  • Agni the fire god brings a bow made of fire as reward for helping burn the forest
  • There are instances of maya 
  • The maya causes Draupadi to laugh at Duryodhana
  • A game of dice is played and it is a big deal
  • There are visions that act as bad omens but are ignored
  • The game ends with Yudhishthira loses everything he owns
  • Yudhisthira then stakes his sister Draupadi
  • He tells all the men to undress and his sister is dragged against her will
  • He orders Draupadi to undress but she prays to Krishna and when her clothes are pulled off they reappear
  • Draupadi gets wishes and frees her brother, husbands, and does not take a thirds, she is very selfless
  • Despite not wishing for it the belongings are returned
  • Another game is played and the stake is 13 years of exile, 12 of poverty, and 1 of disguise, he loses


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