Reading Notes: Ramayana, Part A

Kaikeyi said that according to the two boons granted by Dasharatha, Rama should go to the forest for 14 years and Bharata must become the king. WikiCommons
Ramayana Reading Notes:
The first thing that strikes me is the visuals that the Ramayana is able to supply the reader with. The second thing of major notice was the rituals, such as the horse that returned and was thus then sacrificed and fed to the fire for the gods. 
  • Ramayana is powerful and protected from gods and demons.
  • Vishnu protects all men and apes
  • They celebrated with streamers and flowers
  • All of Rama's children bear the mark of Vishnu, and were very beautiful
  • Rama slays Thataka with a bow while she is invisible by sounds alone all while being rained on by rocks
  • Rama is able to draw his weapons through thought, and uses them to protect sages
  • King Sagara's wife destined to be mother of 60,000 men of high spirits, who all die
  • Sagara dies after a reign of 30,000 years, and his son reigns for 32,000 years
  • Successors to the throne spent thousands of years trying to bring the gods to earth to aid them
  • Shiva sends Ganga to wander in his hair for months
  • Ganga eventually makes it to earth and brings water to the ashes of the 60,000 men
  • Love is an unholy fire that can persuade
  • Wondrous light highlights for Rama, like the moon, Gautam
  • The bringing of Gautam leads to celebration led with flowers and nymphs
  • Meadow of sports with rows of seats for princes and nobles
  • Many flowers that were able to be picked
  • Rama knows he will love Sita before he even sees her, but is able to tell by her bangles
  • The Queen of Night is not as fair as Sita
  • Rama draws his bow at the wedding with Sita and snaps it and creates a thunderous noise that knocks down people in order to win the King's will in marrying his daughter
  • People came from far to try and crack a bow
  • Rama snaps Janak's bow and wins Sita as his loyal wife
  • The wedding is wonderful and there is much food
  • Rama is described by the Brahmans as very fair and fit to marry Sita
  • There was one that did hate Rama, Kaikeyi a slave that was hunchbacked and misshaped
  • Kaikeyi approaches Dasharatha and demands that boons are granted that her son is praised and Rama is banished for 14 years. Dasharatha must comply in order to fulfill his vow oro Kaikeyi will kill herself
  • The boons are granted but Dasharatha rejects Kaikeyi from that point on
  • Large ceremonies were prepared for Rama that day, but he had to take his chariot to see Dasharatha to unknowingly take his sentence
  • Rama in the moment is very calm, compassionate and acts honorably
  • Dasharatha vows not to eat until Rama returns
  • Sita volunteers to go with Rama, for if she doesn't go she will die
  • The citizens are very unhappy about the departure of  Rama
  • Rama refuses all help, except for bark to wear, a shovel, and a basket
  • Rama prays to Ganga to return safely
  • Dasharatha accidentally kills a young hermit, who forgives him, and consoles his parents
  • A pyre was built for the dead son, but stricken with grief the mother and father jumped into the pyre as their will to live was gone, but they are sure to forgive Dasharatha first
  • Dasharatha endures pain and misery being separated from Rama and dies


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