Week 3 Story: Agni in Lanka

Agni in Lanka

The story of Agni, one of the most loved and busy Hindu gods, got captured is a lengthy and emotional. It all starts back when before Agni was even Agni. He used to be known as Inga, a child like any other. Inga was out in the street designated for playing by the village. They were playing a variation of what is now know as soccer. Inga was not the best player as he had quite the temper. He often had to sit out from getting too heated in the competition between the other players. Inga did however posses the traits of a good leader, he was composed, strong, and brave. But as soon as he got angry he would act rashly. 
Months and years go by and Inga has developed to become quite the man. He had learned to control his temper and rose to become an acting adviser to the king that reign his village and all surrounding ones. Inga acted as a true proxy of his village and everything he did was in their self interest. Inga was a name commonly known between all residing villagers in the area.
Inga's political power had grown immensely over the years and he was able to handle most delicate situations with ease, until the threat of the demon king Ravana. Ravana made demands that were unreasonable and frankly unattainable. For instance he would ask for 10,000 head of cattle when in fact there was no more than 5,000 in the area. These unmet demands escalated tensions to the point where war was imminent. War would be disastrous for Inga and his people as they would easily be out numbered and would fall flat on the ruthlessness. Inga in his older wisdom decided to appeal to the gods for help. Due to the caliber of the situation Inga called directly for the help of Vishnu, the god of protection.
Vishnu heeded his call and turned Inga into Agni, the fire princess. With his new powers Agni returned to his village and prepared for a war. It was within that week that Ravana the demon king arrived at Agni's village with 50,000 men, and there was no contest. The villages were destroyed and Agni was taken captive. True to their tendencies the demon king subjected Agni to imprisonment in his court as a servant who would be tasked with light lamps for the rest of his days.

Authors Note: I got the inspiration to write this story from the Ravana in Lanka story where it mentions that gods where used as servants in Ravana's court. So I created a back story for this instance of Agni.


  1. This is a very creative story idea! I like that you decided to make a backstory for a powerful character:) Just to let you know, there are a few typos, but they don't take away from the overall story. I'd love to see your stories get longer, as you could add a lot of interesting information. Either way, I can't wait to see what else you put forward.

  2. Wow, Brad! I think this is a super creative story. Not only did you make Agni a servant, but you also managed to make her a female deity (or, at least, a male turned female) at that, too. You also added a very nice modern twist to it by incorporating soccer and politics. When I was reading, I was almost expecting a happy ending in the back of my head, but I was greeted with a pleasant surprise when I found that Agni was captured. I would love to see more of your stories in the future - keep it up!

  3. Brad,
    I like how you added a little back story to you overall project as that helped with understanding what you were writing about. I did see that there were a few errors with your writing but it did not take away from your writing as a whole. I would like to see you go a little bit more in depth with your stories but think you are doing a overall great job!


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