Week 10 Planning Post: Some Information about Flowers and Spices

Coriander, Wikicommons

I decided to do a planning post for this week 10 assignment because it allows me to learn more about the topic I am writing about while completing an assignment.

Flowers in Indian Epics - This webpage contains a lot of great information about flowers that have appeared in a the epics we have already read, and in some of the Jatakas. It gives really good insight into what each flower represents and will help to guide my writing on my storybook in the future. For instance, the white waterlily blooms at night and is said to be friends with the moon and enemies of the sun. It also states that the woman's face is compared to the cool white beauty of the white waterlily.

Popular Spices in Indian Dishes - This webpage lists a lot of popular spices that would probably have been used in the dishes that are the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.

Indian Spices - This webpage is more geared towards the history of the spices and contains a lot of deep information regarding the spices. One such example is coriander and its use as a medicine in aromatherapy. It also lists a lot of information regarding uses in other regions and time periods such as Ancient Greece and China. This webpage contains a lot of useful information.


  1. Brad, I am very intrigued by your choice in story planning. I wonder how you will write your story as well, whether with dialogue or just plain narrative. There are not many stories that have included flowers and spices, though I have read a storybook that decided to incorporate them somewhat. I am curious to see which story you choose to recreate, too! I hope you come up with something interesting, as it already is, and good luck with formulating your story!


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