Week 8 Comments and Feedback

The feedback I have received back has been tremendously helpful. The most useful type of comment that I have received are the ones that are harsh. It is easy not to step on someone's toes, but I feel it is necessary to point out any mistake or shortcoming as long as it comes from a good place. Up until this point all the comments have been purely constructive, the comments urge me to challenge myself and do better. 
I have found that generally my comments pertain more to the premise of the story and focus less on grammar. None the less I am happy with my comments as I feel that they could potentially help guide the writer for future writings. Reading other peoples' stories has also sparked quite a few ideas for me to work with, and has inspired some of the writings already posted!
I feel that blog comments really give the sense of interaction that you would get from a real class setting, in fact it might be better since the blog comments can be posted at any time. I feel that the blog comments really add to the class and make it more complete.
In the future I will try to give more analytical feedback that may focus more on grammar and other fine details that can hurt a story.

How to Craft Constructive Feedback, Jenngibbsinvisblesun

I chose the info-graphic posted above because I feel that it gives a good idea on how to create constructive feedback. At the start of the feedback process I really struggled to create meaningful comments for others. This info-graphic was very helpful in guiding me through the process. 


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