Wikipedia Trails: From Bhima to Sanskrit

Kurukshetra War, Wikicommons

I had to reasearch little about Bhima for my story. I learned quite a bit by some of the short stories posted on the page. This lead to Kurukshetra wars I learned more about the intense battles. I wanted to learn more about the setting of this war. This lead to the city of Haryana. Haryana is located in North India adjacent to Punjab.  The city had a section for language and history of. This lead to the language of Sanskrit, which was the common language at the time of the epics: The Ramayana and The Mahabharata.


  1. Hi Brad, I am guessing it is just a typo but I wanted to make sure you knew: Sanskrit is not a city; it's a language, and it is the language in which the Ramayana and the Mahabharata were first written down. It's also an ancestor of many of the languages of India today like Hindi, Gujarati, etc. You might want to write out something more about what you actually learned in the post, and that will help the learning stick! :-)

    1. Thanks for the quick reply! I think I may have wrote this later than I should have!
      Thanks for the feedback, it really was lacking. I beefed it out a bit so hopefully it illustrates a little bit better my thought process.

    2. Super! I keep thinking I should do a kind of "Sanskrit Trivia" thing or something to share with the class about the alphabet, what the name Rama looks like written out in Sanskrit, and Sita, and so on. The alphabet is really pretty! :-)


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