Week 12 Reading Part A: Seven Secrets of Vishnu

Vishnu, Wikicommons

Seven Secrets of Vishnu:

  • Vishnu is typically reincarnated as a male, but in this story he is taken his female form
  • There is typically a type of story and based on that type a male or female will play the part,
    • Females are typically spiritual reality 
    • Males are material reality
  • This story Vishnu is demonstrating the spiritual reality, and this story helps to describe how humans can transcend reality and nature to be released into infinity
  • Human couples are the merger of human reality and spiritual reality
  • In Vishnu lore Lakshmi and Vishnu are both dependently on each other they need each other exist
  • The interdependence between the two is stressed and makes the a very cool point that the two are important


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